Hi Stephen!
Would like to know if it’s possible in some way to hide the ‘account’ options in the booking form. I’m usintg ‘Allow logged-out users to place bookings? Yes, account is optional’ but really I don’t need the users to create an account, and in any case maybe I don’t want them to. So, since with the new version is possible to make a booking without creating an account, I would like not to offer this option to the users. Any idea or workaround about how to get this?
Thank you in advance!

Ricardo Lodroño
In a way, maybe will be interesting to be able to customize the booking template duplicating some files in my own theme, in the same way you can do with event pages, single events, etc…? in this way I could for example modify the design/layout, or maybe ‘hardcode’ some text strings that are not correctly translated… only an idea!

Ricardo Lodroño
I didn’t do this last time because I didn’t want to add in a fourth option :).
R.e. templating the booking form – this is what I’m planning for 1.3 (1.2 due out in the next 1-2 weeks) which will be focussing on improving the booking forms (and booking form customiser). With that update you could hide the ‘register an account’ checkbox (you could also filter the received input from the user just to be safe) – and that will prevent any accounts being created.
The name & email fields fields are required anyway.

Stephen Harris
Thank you so much for your answer, Stephen. Looks great!

Ricardo Lodroño
I second this feature request of having the option not to create accounts at all. It would be nice if the values for name and email could optionally be stored in long term cookies for a next booking.
1.3 did not seem to include booking form templating after all, but it is good to see (in the 1.3 release post) that it is still planned for the near future.
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by

I should have posted an update here. The booking form templating was proving too big a task for 1.3, was holding up the other features and would involve a lot of reorganising code (which itself would need to be tested). For that reason, this was pushed back to 1.4 and the features that had been completed, released in 1.3 (and which in part is why 1.3 deviated from its original scope).
The plan for 1.4 is to reorganise the booking form customiser ‘under the hood’ (so no changes to the UI), make it possible to have booking forms on non-event pages and to use (and make customisable) a template for booking form (excluding the custom fields added by users via the customiser – for the time being at least).

Stephen Harris
Hi- I just downloaded Pro today. Where do I find the box to “‘Allow logged-out users to place bookings? Yes, account is optional’” as referenced in the first email? Even though it’s preferable that users not have to have an account at all, at least if it’s an option, it’s a start. Right now, users have a message “Only registered users can make a booking”.
Thanks in advance,

Hi Christina,
You can find it in Settings > Event Organiser > Bookings.
The ability to not allow users to register with your site will be in 1.4 :).

Stephen Harris
Thank you. I didn’t read the entire list! Looking forward to 1.4! Cheers
