Pro: Bookers become members?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sue 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #5481

    Really getting into the guts of this now. But I have a question:

    Can I stop attendees becoming members of the site? I don’t see the point – and for my users, it’d be a nightmare.

    I’d rather not deal with lost passwords or calls about what it means etc etc.


    Sadly this isn’t possible – the bookee’s details (name, email, etc) are stored in the user table and their user ID stored with the booking.

    However, it may be possible to work around this by adding a ‘Guest’ option (i.e. no need to log-in/register). I’ll look into adding this feature in 1.1 (Expected Mid-late May). I’ll also be adding shortcodes/widgets for ‘booking history’ and upcoming events you’re attending. But this will not be available to ‘guest’ bookees.

    Stephen Harris

    The guest option would be perfect for my users. Seriously, these people think email is too advanced, so the simpler the better. In our case, we don’t have a requirement for booking history (for the users) etc.

    Thanks, Stephen!

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