Private calendar

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    I want my calender to be viewable only for logged in members. I can achieve [eo_fullcalendar] tag on a page that requires users to be logged in, but single events can still be viewed by non-logged in users using the permalinks. How can I prevent this?

    Also, I’ve added a venue to my event but this does not show in the full calendar view nor when I click the event. The venue does show if I click en event in the [eo_calendar]. That page looks all messed up though, with all my widgets beneath the event post.


    Hi NoiseMaker,

    Regarding the templates problem see the FAQ. Note that the default templates are very basic (this is being changed in 1.7). Please note that the link on the FAQ about editing the templates has been updated to reflect changes that will be made in 1.7. However, the information there is still relevant (but you won’t have all the listed templates).

    You should be able to make the event as private (using the usual WordPress visibility settings) and then in the Event Organiser > Settings page select which roles you want to be able to read private events.

    How are you requiring users be logged in to see the page?

    Stephen Harris

    Man, did you reply quickly!

    I’m not that good with editing code, I have enough trouble getting my sidebars to view properly.
    Of course the WP visibility settings does apply, my bad.

    Since posting I have found the Ajax Event Calendar which I think will work for our needs. I create one category for each bookable room/facility. There’s no automatic function preventing a room from being booked twice at the same time, but that won’t be a problem since you get a good visual feedback.

    I find it kind of odd though that I have not been able to find any calendar matching my needs (To let logged in users view upcoming events and add events into a calendar view with using a front end.) and is working properly…


    Private Events seem to break the Events Agenda widget. Can’t seem to get private events to be viewable by any role/user… even Admin users can’t see it. And private events stop the Agenda widget from functioning to toggle between months.

    Paul Lunneberg

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks, I’ll look into this. Seems private events are only appearing on the event list widget, not the calendar/agenda – I’ll hopefully have this fixed in 2.1.

    Stephen Harris
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