Dear Stephen,
The price column still appears even when all gateways are disabled and we do not enter any price. It automaticallyshows that the price per ticket is €0. This will be confusing since participants have to pay cash at the event itself.
Any solutions?
Thank you,

Stefaan Van Hoeck
Hi Stefaan,
If the event is free it adds the eo-booking-free-event
class to the ticket picker. The plug-in then hides the column via CSS.
If you’ve disabled the plug-in’s CSS in Settings > Event Organiser > General then that would cause it to display the column. Otherwise your theme may have over-ridden the styles.
You can, alternatively, always add CSS to your theme’s stylesheet to hide the price column.

Stephen Harris
Thanks Stephen,
It ‘s now OK. The CSS was enabled in Settings > Event Organiser > General.
I have disabled now and the column with price is hidden.

Stefaan Van Hoeck
Dear Stephen,
( The url of the event is : )
A other issue about the price column. The event is free but in the mail ” %tickets% ” there is a price column.
In the Reservation Form I have add a “Total” field with ID nr. 14 for Children under 12j.
Is it possible that it is also in the mail. I have try with %event_ID:14%.
I post here what I have done in the e-mail template. (Settings > Event Organiser > Tab Booking.
Beste %display_name%, uw heeft voor ” %event_title% ” op %event_date% – %ticket_quantity% – plaats(en) gereserveerd en is/zijn:
De reservering van je ticket is %booking_reference%
Vanaf 12 j betaalt u €3 per ticket ter plaatse aan de kassa. Gelieve gepast te betalen.
Toerisme Vosselaar vzw dankt u.
The receiver mail is like this screen picture. We will not see the price column is that possible ?
In this example of booking there are 6 tickets for 17:15u and 5 for 17:45u

Stefaan Van Hoeck
Hi Stefaan,
There’s a filter which filters the HTML mark-up of the ticket list. It’s a slight pain in that you have to replace the HTML mark-up of the list entirely:
add_filter( 'eventorganiser_email_ticket_list', 'my_email_tickets_table', 10, 3 );
function my_email_tickets_table( $html, $booking_id, $booking_tickets, $booking_id){
//$html is the mark-up for the table. Alter/replace as required.
//$booking_tickets is a array of tickets. Each ticket in the
//array as $ticket->ticket_price and $ticket->ticket_name etc.
//$booking_id is the booking ID. Or it is -1 when generating the e-mail
//for preview (see Settings > Event Organiser > Bookings)
return $html;
You can look at eventorganiser_email_ticket_list()
in event-organiser-pro/includes/email.php
(just don’t include the apply_filters

Stephen Harris