Pre Sales Question Features

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #20515 Reply

    I need a plugin to a work as a group gym class with these features:
    – Show calendar with all events (within week or month)
    – Book a session without payment and only to loggedin users
    – After booking, notifies all of the involved (admin, teacher and user)
    – A user can cancel a booking (and once again notify all of the involved – admin, teacher and user)
    – Can limit gym classes by number of people
    – Can import events with Google Calendar / or manual insertion.
    Can you please ensure me that this plugin does this please? And if one of these options is not possible, can you confirm me?

    Thanks and regards!

    Carlos Ribeiro
    #20524 Reply

    Hi Carlos,

    That’s pretty much all possible:

    1. You can display a calendar using this shortcode (week and month view possible).
    2. Event Organiser Pro allows you to sell tickets, and you can restrict this to logged-in users only. Payment is optional (simply give the ticket a 0 price)
    3. After a booking, the admin and bookee are notified. I’m not sure who teacher is in your context (event organiser / post author?) In any case, there are hooks for including other e-mail addresses to be notified. See Changing the booking notification email on this page:
    4. It’s possible to allow the bookee to cancel a booking using the booking history shortcode. No notifications are sent, but there are hooks to implement this, and this tutorial shows how:
    5. Yes, each ticket must be allocated a ‘capacity’ and you can apply a limit to the whole event
    6. Importing events from Google is possible with the iCal sync extension. And of course you can create events from within the plug-in.

    I hope that answers all your questions

    Stephen Harris
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