Posterboard sort order

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #23751

    Hi ,

    I have tried to get posterboard to sort ascending based on date , left to right.
    But it keeps showing the ‘events’ in a mixed order.

    (september 15th is listed before may 20th)

    with the standard shortcode [event_board] that’s what it should do, but it doesn’t

    Then I tried using the attributes, but that doesn’t make a difference…
    [event_board order=”ASC” event_start_after=false showpastevents=”false” orderby=”eventstart”]

    Any suggestions ?

    Sharon McErlane

    Hi Sharon,

    That appears to be the correct rendering. The posterboard works by ordering the events chronologically with the earliest events at the top. So an event that appears higher than another event, is earlier. If two events are at the same vertical position, they are ordered from left-to-right, with the left-most earliest.

    It’s not possible to order events first by left-to-right. This is because the varying heights of the events would mean it would potentially fall out of order, unless you positioned events with gaps or by making sure all events were the same height (in either case, it’s not really a ‘posterboard’ anymore, but a grid).

    If they are all the same-height then the default behaviour would give you a left-to-right ordering (because all events would appear in rows, and in each row all events with have the same vertical position). You can do that with:

    #event-board-items .eo-eb-event-box {
        height: 400px!important;

    but keep in mind that this pre-determines the height of each event. So the event content may run out of the grey box if there is a lot of content, or have lots of grey space if the event content is short.

    One way to mitigate the effects of too much grey-space would be to set the background of the events to that of the page:

    #event-board-items .eo-eb-event-box {
        background: white!important;

    Lastly, the attributes you have specified is the default behaviour anyway. The posterboard will, by default, show only future events, ordered by start date.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I’m not sure I fully understand. Because the 2nd row wasn’t sorted chronologicaly having september left of may….
    But I added the fixed height, and that did the trick 🙂

    btw how does the filter on ie city work ?

    [event_board “city=paris”]

    Sharon McErlane

    never mind the last question. I thought the filter attribute was a ‘selection’. But I see how it works now.

    Sharon McErlane

    Ok :). Regarding your earlier reply though, if I recall correctly, May was higher than September. Higher events are earlier and only if they are at the same level are they ordered left-to-right.

    Stephen Harris
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