Posterboard shortcode shows the shortcode in frontend

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Posterboard shortcode shows the shortcode in frontend

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Diana Nashif 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #26997

    I can only see the posterboard right if I use the standard shortcode [event_board]
    When I change to adding like [event_board posts_per_page=4] all I see is the shortcode in the frontend.
    My client only wants to show 4 events in the posterboard at a time. So not sure how to do that
    Can you help me with this please?

    Thank you,

    Diana Nashif

    Hi Diana,

    That’s odd. That looks correct, however, have you copied and pasted that? If you copy and paste shortcodes, always do this in the HTML/Text tab – not the ‘Visual’ tab. TinyMCE will attempt to copy in any formatting, and this can mean WordPress to does not recognise the shortcode.

    Alternatively type it out manually.

    In any case, what you have there is correct and should show events in batches of 4.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen…….it is working now. I normally do paste in the notepad and then copy and past again. However I was pasting into visual view.
    Appreciate the tip! Client is very happy!


    Diana Nashif
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