Posterboard length annd 'Read More'

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Posterboard length annd 'Read More'

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Simon Harris 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #14334

    Is it possible to alter the number of words in the Posterboard boxes and add ‘Read More’?

    Thanks for the help.

    Simon Harris

    Hi Simon,

    The description of the event is based on the excerpt. But you can use the filter eventorganiser_posterboard_item to alter each event as it’s passed back to the client. (See

    Please note that the next update will introduce a breaking change. event_content currently produces the excerpt. In the next update this shall be renamed to event_excerpt and event_content shall instead produce the full event content.

    The loadng / load more text is currently hardcoded (although translatable) but you can find them on the line 81-82.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for that Stephen, however when I was asking about the ‘Read More’ I was referring to the bottom of each

    Thanks again

    Kind regards

    Simon Harris

    Sorry, misread the question.

    The ‘read more’ link is added as part of the excerpt, and is typically done by the theme via the excerpt_more filter. This applies to all post types, everywhere that there’s an excerpt.

    (The number of words in the description is filtered by excerpt_length, but this too is site-wide)

    It may be better to use the eventorganiser_posterboard_item filter and replace the event_content with the content as returned by get_the_content() and trimmed (perhaps using wp_trim_words()– see codex. )

    Stephen Harris

    Perferct thank you Stephen

    Simon Harris
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