Plugin funtionality

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #10537

    I faced some difficulties after installing the plugin. funtion is not working
    2.I can’t modify the Individual event date i.e start date or end date

    Peter Barnaby

    Hi Peter,

    In what way is the search function not working? (Could you link to your site? If you don’t wish to make it public, you can use this form.)

    Regarding the individual dates – is there something stopping you at actually changing the dates, or after changing them, do they not save? I may need admin access to help you with this, but if the former, you may want to try disabling other plug-ins/themes to see if that fixes it as in that case it sounds like it could be a javascript error.

    (Feel free to use the linked-to form to provide admin details and I’ll take a look).

    Stephen Harris
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