Hi Stephen,
I’m loving the plugin – our events page will be launching shortly.
However, I keep getting annoyed at having to edit the core PHP files as every time the plugin updates, it removes my changes. I don’t like having to edit them at all, but unless I do so, many styles are unable to be overridden as you’ve got the style hard-coded into the script.
In particular, I have to remove style=”margin:10px 0px;” from line 1505 of event-organiser/includes/event-organiser-event-functions.php – any chance of getting that style removed?
Thanks very much.

Matthew Tarzwell
Thanks for reporting this Oliver, this will be fixed in 3.0.1

Stephen Harris
Thanks Stephen.
It’s your responsiveness to requests like these that make me certain I chose the right plugin. I appreciate it.
Would you be able to list a mini-changelog of what you remove so that I can quickly tweak my CSS to accomodate (if it results in any adverse layout changes)?

Matthew Tarzwell
Hi Oliver,
You can find all commits relating to this here: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/issues/334. There were only two frontend changes – the one you raised here and the ‘Loading…’ notice on the calendar.
There are still inline-styles elsewhere in the plug-in, these were left as they either admin-side and so low-priority, or necessary (such as colouring events on the agenda widget, and to a lesser extent, the colour of category key for calendar).
Any removed style attributes have been moved to an appropriate stylesheet.

Stephen Harris
That’s great. Thanks Stephen.

Matthew Tarzwell