PHP function to know if an event has booking enabled

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question PHP function to know if an event has booking enabled

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    I use a function to display the places left for the events (founded here : But I would like to add an “if” to check if the event has the booking enabled. Because on some events, I do not want to use a booking system so I do not want to see the places left, which actually says “sold out”.

    Nicolas Massart

    Hi Nicolas,

    You can use eo_get_event_tickets() – it returns all the tickets associated with an event. (See codex).

    There’s no option to turn bookings on / off for a specific event: An event is considered to have bookings enabled, if it has a ticket associated to it.

    An alternative function is eo_get_event_tickets_on_sale() – which filters out any tickets from the above which aren’t currently on sale (note, this ignores where there’s actually any tickets remaining).

    Stephen Harris
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