PHP 7?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kim Harding 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #24663

    Is there a plan to make Event Organiser PHP 7.0 compatible? Currently there are 8 Warnings and 4 Errors thrown up by the compatibility checker.

    Kim Harding

    Hi Kim,

    Event Organiser is compatible with PHP 7 and the unit test are run on PHP 7 (see:

    The warnings are minor, and mostly related to line-endings. This will be fixed as the files are updated, but doesn’t cause any issues.

    The errors include some false-positives, and some code which is on the ‘system information’ page (which isn’t covered by the tests).

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen. Kim’s question was essentially exactly the same. It all looks fine for me so far with PHP7.



    Andrew Shankie

    That’s great, thanks!

    Kim Harding
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