
This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  epiphany 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #3868


    I was just woderring if there’s a way to embed the normal wordpress permalink setup in the Events organiser permalinks?

    ie: for single event, instead of events/event use /%category%/%year%/

    I tried it, but it broke the events links in the live site – any work around or is this just a limitation of the system?

    Many thanks for the excellent plugin.



    I have the same question because I have many events with the same name but with different content.


    No, at least not yet. Though I’d like to see this added too ( 1.8 is due soon,so it might have to wait till after then).

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for confirming guys.


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