I have recently purchased the Pro version and am in the process setting up. I have the Genesis Framework with the Eleven40 Theme installed. Can you please advise on the best practice for Permalink settings so that I start off correctly. Please note I do not have the settings for Pretty Links available which is requested in the Event Organiser set up.
Many thanks

Iain Swanston
Hi Iain,
For ‘pretty permalinks’ to work with Event Organiser, they need to first be enabled on the site (you can this via your WordPress Permalink settings page – simple choose any structure other than ‘default’).
As for best practise with permalink structure – you should give events, categories and venues unique ‘stems’. That is, a unique word. The default ones are usually sufficient. But you could also have location/[venue]
and event-cat/[event-category]
In short you should choose structures which do not make any given url ambiguous. For isntance yoursite.com/category/foobar
is usually the url for the ‘foobar’ post category. If you give event categories the stem ‘category’ as well, its then ambigeous as to whether ‘foobar’ refers to an event or post category. Ambiguity can lead to confusing results, and/or 404s.

Stephen Harris