Paypal gateway

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Barry Meadows 5 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #36603

    With the new Pro V3 payment journey, the initial pay message “pay with paypal” is putting people off continuing as they don’t realise that payment can be with credit card via the paypal gateway. What is the best way to change this message to something more generic such as ‘proceed to payment’


    Barry Meadows

    Hi Barry,

    You can with this line of code:

    add_filter('eventorganiser_payment_button_paypal', function($buttonText){
        return 'Proceed to payment';
    Stephen Harris

    Tried that, no change
    What did I do wring?

    Barry Meadows

    What version are you you using? This will only work if you’re running EO Pro 3.0.6 or higher due a bug in earlier versions.

    Stephen Harris

    I was on 3.0.5; an upgrade to 3.0.6 has fixed it

    This change isn’t good for users, some who are nervous of paypal and from this route can’t see that there is an option to pay by card; the general user doesn’t understand the need for a gateway to pay – just where the money goes.

    Barry Meadows
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