Payment Gateway on Ticket?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years ago.

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  • #21494

    When I download the bookings to csv, I see the payment gateway. When I download the tickets to csv, I do not.

    I have been using ‘Offline’ to be ‘pay-at-the-door’. Since those tickets will show ‘pending’, I do not know whether it is a PayPal ‘pending’ or an ‘Offline’ pending.

    Can I make a change to the ticket download to include the payment gateway?

    Greg MacKinnon

    Hi Greg,

    You can do this as follows.

    First add a column to the CSV ticket export:

     add_filter( 'eventorganiser_export_tickets_headers', function( $columns ) {
          $columns['booking_gateway'] = 'Gateway';
          return $columns;
     } );

    and then provide a function to populate the cell of a given row:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_export_tickets_cell', function( $cell, $column, $ticket ) {
        if ( 'booking_gateway' !== $column ) {
            return $cell;
        $gateway = eo_get_booking_meta( $ticket->booking_id, 'gateway' );
        return $gateway;
    }, 10, 3 );

    That code should go in a site utility plug-in but will also work in your theme’s functions.php

    Stephen Harris


    Thank you for the response, but it is not working. The gateway field is not being filled in on the output.

    Is there something that I should be looking out for that is interfering with the functions.



    Greg MacKinnon

    Hi Greg,

    My apologies there was a typo, $ticket->booking_ticket_id should have been $ticket->booking_id. I shall correct that now.

    Stephen Harris
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