Pay Button on booking form

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #36145

    For a credit card transaction, after details have been added successfully, clicking the green PAY button doesn’t change the button, or show a progress circle, which can be unsettling and could lead to pressing the button again until the screen changes.

    The previous screen (Proceed to checkout) and Pay Offline button does show a progress circle.

    Anyway some kind of progress indicator can be added back in?

    Tom Beavan

    Hi Tom,

    Which gateway are you using?

    Stephen Harris


    Tom Beavan

    The pay button for stripe is disabled on-click, and progress bar should display alongside it.

    Are you able to provide access to the site (or a test site) that’s exhibiting this bug?

    Stephen Harris
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