Past events

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Justine 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #5201

    I have added the Event Categories Widget to my sidebar so that users can easily click on whichever category they want to see different events, but is there any way to add past events to the menu. I tried creating a page for past events with the shortcode [eo_events event_end_before=”today” showpastevents=true ], but that would then appear in a different position on my sidebar, and not with the other events, plus also it is formatted different to the other events’ pages. I did wonder about creating an extra category for past events, but do not know how I would get events to automatically show in this category as soon as they become past. Any extra help you can give me here would be most gratefully received.


    Hi Justine,

    So you’d like a link above the list of categories saying ‘past events’ which links to… well, past events? Unfortunately the only way to do this would be to have a category ‘past events’ – but this introduces the difficulty of then automatically assigning events to that category. One way would be to use cron-jobs to update the event, but unfortunately this will never be very accurate.

    The only other alternative is to use create a page with the shortcode

    Stephen Harris

    Okay, thanks for that. Is there any way to control the order that categories appear in on the widget or are they set in the alphabetical order that they currently appear in?

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