Particular Occurrence AND Entire Series

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Particular Occurrence AND Entire Series

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chris Bemis 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #23209

    Hi, I just purchased the pro version of Event Organizer. It’s the perfect fit for our situation, except for one big stumbling block.

    We need some recurring events to be booked by particular occurrence. While others need to be booked by an entire series. We are able to choose one or the other on the booking settings, but we would need to adjust this by event or by category.

    How can we achieve this?

    Thank you,

    Chris Bemis

    Hi Chris,

    Unfortunately the booking by series / occurrence is a global option.

    The ability to toggle it on an event-by-event basis hasn’t really been considered, but I can investigate whether that could be a possibility. This would most likely take the form of a filter which would require you to implement the user-interface for toggling the event’s behaviour.

    This will be problematic in one sense that if you change that setting for an event, you’d have to refresh the event edit page before it’s change will take effect on the event admins screen (i.e. where you are creating tickets).

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you for looking into this. What would be the ETA to come up with a solution?

    Chris Bemis
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