Pagenation in event search form

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #27581

    You helped me a few months ago with displaying the results of event searches on the search-event-list.php file. All has been very well.

    However, I updated the EO plugins last week, and now that page works BUT the pagenation list for further events is displayed in a column and not a row format.

    You can see what I mean at

    Everything else seems to work just fine, and when I look at the page code in a browser it appears that a BR tag appears at the end of each row which is giving the column effect.

    Any advice please? The format of the site has remained as it always was it’s just that list that is now odd.

    Thanks very much

    Chris Hirst

    As an addition for the above, I have tried changing the theme to the Sigma theme, and the same problem exists there

    Chris Hirst

    Hi Chris,

    The plugin uses paginate_links() to create the links, which is a WordPress core function. It doesn’t output <br> tags but instead \n. I suspect another plug-in is converting the \n to <br>, possibly through applying wpautop() or some other function on the the_content filter.

    Stephen Harris
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