One event with two weekend dates and one Postboard card

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question One event with two weekend dates and one Postboard card

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years ago.

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    we have an event which has traning on two weekends. It is one event! We want to setup this as one event and we want to see only one postcard of it!

    How is it possbile?


    Ilona Csattos

    Hi Richard,

    You can do things:

    1) Create the event as two dates (on each of the weekends it is on) and on your postboard, groups events by series:

    [event_board group_events_by=series]

    Note that after the first weekend, the second weekend will appear. In the calendar it will appear as two occurrences.

    2) Create the event as one long-occurrence spanning from start of the first weekend until the end of the last weekend. However, note, that technically the event is running between those datetimes. This might lead to some odd behaviour (e.g. if you have a ‘running this week’ widget, you would potentially see it in between the two weekends even though it is not necessarily on during that week).

    In both cases you may want to keep in mind the setting of what constitutes a ‘past events’, and you may want to ensure you don’t include events that a running, otherwise the event may disappear from the posterboard after the first weekend.

    Stephen Harris

    Perfect, thank you! How can I set the event as “one long-occurrence”? I cannot find this option.

    Ilona Csattos

    You just create it has a single-occurrence event with the start and end date/times set appropriately.

    Stephen Harris

    yeah, I see your point! The problem with this solution that there is also a calendar view of the events and in this case the calendar shows the event as it takes the whole week, every day of the week.

    How can I set the “series” attribute of an event? How can I group them? Could please give us a short description?

    Ilona Csattos

    The other solution is to create an event with multiple occurrences (as you would like it to appear in the calendar).

    You would set the start and end date to that of the first weekend and then either repeat that weekly for one week or select the second weekend’s start date in the include/exclude occurrences datepicker.

    Then you use the group_events_by=series attribute in the poster board shortcode as shown previously. For recurring events it will only show the next occurrence.

    Stephen Harris
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