I’m sorry for the general question, but I would like to use a simplified version of the booking form, I mean I would like for my free events to have a submission resuming in one Book button that get’s the logged user information (the button is not accessible to guest users).
Maybe someone could help with that ?

Adrien Lamit
Hi Adrien,
In the options you can select whether whether ‘guest’ users can register for an event (see Settings > Event Organiser > Bookings). If they cannot, they’ll be prevented from booking and prompted to log-in.
On the form customer, if you click ‘edit’ on the ticket picker element, this will open up that element’s options. This includes enabling ‘Simple Booking Mode’. This does several things:
- Hides the date selection that would appear if ‘selling by date’
- Removes the ticket and quantity selection. (The booking is for one place only)
For this reason it cannot be used when an event as multiple tickets or multiple dates for which the user can book for.
Additionally logged-in users will not be prompted for their name or e-mail (details from their account are used) and for free events the gateway selection will not appear. So with ‘Simple Booking Mode’ enabled, for free events and for users who are already logged-in, only the ‘register’ button should appear (as well as any custom fields you decide to add).

Stephen Harris