Offline payment option gives error 'You do not have permission'?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Offline payment option gives error 'You do not have permission'?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 9 months ago.

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    I have a client using the plugin and a user has complained they cannot select an offline payment?

    What would cause this?

    Tom Beavan

    Hi Tom,

    Then offline payment endpoint will return that if the user does not have permission to ‘view the booking’.

    A user should be able to view the booking, if any of these apply:

    1. if they were logged-in while making the booking and are currently logged-in
    2. if they are the event owner and have permission to manage bookings
    3. if they have a cookie which identifies them as the booking owner (cookie is stored in $_COOKIE['eopBookingSession'] after making the booking.

    The user should generally fall into (1) or (3). Are they logged-in/out while making the booking.

    If logged-out, its worth checking the cookie is stored correctly and sent to the server. I’ll do some checks on a test site, but if you need any help debugging this then please get in touch via with FTP/SSH credentials.

    Stephen Harris
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