Is there a way to only show tickets that occur on a single date when that date is selected? – Not the ones that span over multiple days that include that date.
Can the tickets that include all dates be grouped and selected seperatly in some way under the picker?

Alex Steer
Tickets don’t span occurrences – they are available for the selected occurrences.
When a bookee selects an occurrence they are shown tickets for that occurrence. When they book, they are doing so for a particular occurrence (even if the ticket(s) selected are available for other occurrences).

Stephen Harris
OK, thanks for getting back to me.
I just want to check the logic and my setup – Imagine a four day event – 1st – 4th January.
You want to sell tickets that cover the four days in total aswell as tickets for individual days.
4 day ticket Z (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Jan)
1 day ticket A 4 day ticket (1st Jan)
1 day ticket B 4 day ticket (2nd Jan)
1 day ticket C 4 day ticket (3rd Jan)
1 day ticket D 4 day ticket (4th Jan)
When the user selects a date let’s say 3rd of Jan they get ticket C and Z.
The feedback I am having is that having ticket z there too makes it confusing.
Assuming my tickets are setup correctly.

Alex Steer
You want to sell tickets that cover the four days in total aswell as tickets for individual days.
This might be the root of the confusion. You can either sell tickets for the entire event (i.e. all dates) or you can sell tickets for occurrences – but you can’t do both.
When you create a ticket and you select the dates 1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 3rd Jan and 4th Jan someone purchasing that ticket is not purchasing a ticket for the 1st Jan-4th Jan, they are purchasing a ticket for the 1st Jan, or the 2nd Jan, or 3rd etc.
That is why the user needs to select a date, and that’s why ticket Z appears when you select a date.
When selling “by occurrence” a booking is restricted to a particular occurrences. When selling “by series” the booking is for all dates of the event (e.g. booking a place on a long running course).
Does that clarifies things?

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
The logic make sense to me – I will just have to make clear to my client.
I think selling/filtering tickets by group would be a way around this as discussed here:
If it was needed – do you offer a customisation service and at what cost?
You can email me with answer.

Alex Steer