Number of "Popular Tags" while editing an event

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Number of "Popular Tags" while editing an event

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jon Wilson 10 years ago.

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    We’re using the event tags to display a list of films that are being shown at a particular event. There’s a staff person who is going through and tagging each event with a bunch of film names. There are probably 100 films but the number of “popular tags” that get shown in the editor cuts off at 50. I’ve added some CSS to display them down the side of the page all the same size, but I’m stuck on getting more than 50 to show. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Jon Wilson

    Hi Jon,

    The number should be 45 I believe – it’s hardcoded by WordPress and can’t be changed (see wp_ajax_get_tagcloud() in wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php)

    Stephen Harris

    I see thanks. I know you’re not supposed to edit core files, but is the worst that can happen if I change to 100 is that it will get overwritten on a update? or is there some other reason I shouldn’t edit that?

    Jon Wilson

    If just changing that number to 100, then yes, the worst that will happen is that the changes will be lost when you update WordPress.

    Stephen Harris

    That worked, thanks for the help

    Jon Wilson
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