Notification mail with data provided in the submission form

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Notification mail with data provided in the submission form

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nicolas Massart 7 years, 12 months ago.

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    I would like to add in the notification message sent to my bookees some of the fields they chose or filled in the submission form.

    The first element is the name(s) of the ticket(s) they bought. I know %tickets% can do that, but it displays a table with the price also and I do not want to display the price for that specific tickets.

    The second kind of element I want to include in the notification email is one of the custom field I set up in the form builder of your plugin. I also now %form_submission% can do that but it displays everything and I need only some of them.


    Nicolas Massart

    Hi Nicolas,

    For the second one you can follow this tutorial:

    For the first, you can use the eventorganiser_email_ticket_list – this filters the HTML mark-up of the table. You’ll probably want to replace it with your own table, so you may want to copy what eventorganiser_email_ticket_list() (in includes/email.php) does, and edit it slightly to remove the price column.

    Please see for a working example – but it doesn’t remove the price column.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks again Stephen !

    Nicolas Massart
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