Not showing today's events when I don't show past events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Not showing today's events when I don't show past events

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jessie 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    I have the option unchecked to show past events (I don’t want them to show) but when I check it, it stops showing events that are happening later today – For example, it is noon here now, and I have an event at 8:00pm, which should still show on the events page until after the event is over. I need the event page to show any event that is happening today AND in the future.


    First I’d go and check your WordPress timezone setting to make sure that the time is set up correctly:
    Dashboard > Settings > General > Timezone.

    The ‘show past events option’ is to show events that are currently in progress. ie if your event goes from 3pm to 6pm, and it is 4pm, do you want the event to show up on the event list or not.

    The default of EO is to show all future events, (today and onwards).

    How are you displaying your events?
    Are you using the “Add an event’s link in the navigation” option or are you using a shortcode, if your using a shortcode then make sure it’s “start events after” value is either blank or set on “today” and all the other values (end event before, end event after, start event before) are blank.


    Thanks Dario,
    It was the time zone settings – somehow the site got set for +5 instead of -5 – anyway it’s all working now. Thanks for the quick reply.

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