No email to bookees of Offline-Payment bookings

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug No email to bookees of Offline-Payment bookings

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 3 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #40224

    Since a few months I work for a small local organization and look after their website, making updates and so on.
    And so I updated their very old version of Event Organiser Pro (1.11.11) to version 3.2.0.
    Works fine except bookees of Offline-Payment bookings now didn’t receive any email anymore.
    They only get an email, if the status is changed manually to “confirmed”.
    But the special “Offline Payment Email” is not send.
    The checkbox for “Offline Payment Email” is checked and the “Offline Payment (Email) Instructions” are filled.

    Any ideas?

    Best wishes

    Sven Albrecht

    Hi Sven,

    Are these free events? Or have you added the line:

    add_filter('eventorganiser_booking_skip_payment_options', '__return_true');
    Stephen Harris

    No. Neither this nor that.

    Any other ideas?

    My client want to go back to the old version, but that is not really a solution either.

    Sven Albrecht

    No? Nothing? Really?
    The only thing that changed is the version of the plugin. It worked with the old version, but didn’t with the new version.

    Sven Albrecht

    Sorry Sven, I’ve been trying to replicate this without success. Are you able to provide a link to an event, so I can verify there are no errors in the booking UI that might prevent the booking email from being sent? If you don’t want to publish it here, you can use this form:

    The other thing you can do is enable this plugin to verify that emails are not being sent rather than not being received..

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    I have tried some things.
    1. Made a copy of the website with the Duplicator plugin and installed it on another webspace from another hoster (to see if it’s something specific to the host enviroment). Result: Nothing changes.
    2. Installed the WP Mail Logging plugin you recommended. Result: Only the notification mail to the organiser is send.
    3. I also deactivated the installed the Event-Organiser-Booking-Notification-Settings plugin, because I was not sure if it’s necessary (I thought maybe it’s something the Pro version of event organiser does by itself and the doubling causes the problem). Result: Nothing changes.

    You asked for a link to an event:

    Hope we find a solution for the problem.

    Sven Albrecht

    I tried something more.
    I activated debugging with

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );

    , then I searched the place the “offline_email” option is used (found it in the booking-actions.php) and wrote in every case of the switch ( $gateway ) part something like this

    ob_start(); print_r( 'Offline' );  /* or Free or PayPal*/ $contents = ob_get_contents(); error_log( $contents ); 

    to get an output in the debug.log file, if the part receives a hit.<br />
    And then I tried a booking. With version 3.2.0 or the newest 3.3.1 there is no entry in the debug.log, but in the old version 1.11.11 I get an entry.
    Also I added a default part to the switch to see if maybe no case receives a hit.

    switch ( $gateway ) {
        case 'paypal':
        case 'free':
        case 'offline':
                print_r( 'Nothing' );  
                $contents = ob_get_contents(); 
                error_log( $contents ); 

    Strangely the switch seems to be completely bypassed.
    So I added my debugging output code to the start of the _eo_process_booking_submission function and tried again. Also no entry in the debug.log.

    Maybe I’m completely wrong, maybe the functions in the booking-actions.php don’t do anything anymore and are moved to other files. I don’t know.

    Sven Albrecht

    Yeh, the code around offline booking emails in booking-actions.php is no longer used. It’s now handled in the Offline payment controller (includes/Gateway/OfflineController.php).

    The code there is triggered after the user creates a booking, and are presented with the payment options, and for offline payments, the payment instructions. When the user then clicks “Pay offline”, it should trigger that code, and send the email.

    Note, that unlike v1 and v2, there is a two-step process by default for bookings. The ‘book’ button, should keep you on the same page and present payment payments and a total amount. Once you click ‘pay offline’ it should mark the booking as pending and trigger the email.

    I’ve tested this a couple of times on your site, but you’ve obviously reverted to v1.11.

    Are bookings appear as “incomplete” or “pending” in the admin UI?

    Stephen Harris
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