nice looking event list – how?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6959 Reply

    in your example website, you have a page which produces a nice list of events, with pictures and cool headings for each event.
    When I use the shortcode, I simply get a bulleted list.

    Where are the instructions for nicer looking lists? Are there any template pages that can be installed?
    Is there a ‘posterboard’ style list?


    #6961 Reply

    Hi Joel,

    The event list shortcode – by default – just lists events a bullet-pointed list (this was its original intention) – but you can change the template so that it displays the events in any format. However, the pages you’re referring to are generated from templates by WordPress. You can edit these templates to suit your theme.

    Regarding a posterboard style, this is something I’ve been playing with:

    enter image description here

    which also includes optional venue/category filters.

    It’s not finished yet as there are some issues with fetching more events with the filters applied. I hope to get a beta rolled out soon.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: nice looking event list – how?
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