Hello, great plugin, exactly what I am looking for and I will be purchasing the pro plugin as soon as it is available.
To explain I am a total newbie to PHP as I consider myself a frontend designer, however I really want to get the most from this plugin as it is exactly what I am after. I have been reading the documentation but it is not clicking just yet.
I know I have wrongly used a shortcode to show the event details on the event-single page, and it is showing ALL the start dates for ALL events and the event times.
I have been using shortcodes inside the loop, can you let me know what calls I should be using?
<?php echo do_shortcode('[eo_events]%start{jS F Y}%[/eo_events]'); ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode('[eo_events]%start{g:i:a}% - %end{g:i:a}%[/eo_events]'); ?>
Looking forward to the Pro version!
Many thanks

Hi Ross,
The shortcode is for listing events. To display an event’s date/time you can use eo_get_the_start()
.(see docs and examples)

Stephen Harris
Thank you very much, I used the following code and its showing great:
<?php echo eo_get_the_start('g:i:a'); ?> - <?php echo eo_get_the_end('g:i:a'); ?>
One last question is that I would like to show a ‘custom field’ that has been added to the event post, how would I do that?
Thanks in advance:)

Ross Gosling
No worries 🙂
Events are just a post ype, so you can use the usual WordPress functions ( see http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_post_meta )

Stephen Harris