New ticket type does not appear in event booking page

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question New ticket type does not appear in event booking page

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #27208

    hello Stephen,
    I added a new ticket type to my event but it does not appear in the list of available tickets of the event. Start of selling date is 07-04-2017 and end date is 27-05-2017. Price is €1.00 Ticket name is “Donatie werk Petra Dekker India”. Nr of seats 999
    One booking has already been made for the single day event before I added the new ticket.

    Jos den Hollander

    it is solved, since this was a single date event, I had to re-add all tickets again.

    Jos den Hollander

    Hi Jos,

    You shouldn’t need to re-add the existing tickets. If the event date has changed you will need to update them (if ‘selling by date’) as the tickets will be linked the original date(s).

    Stephen Harris
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