New Lines in iCal Feed Descriptions

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question New Lines in iCal Feed Descriptions

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    I was hoping to use the eventorganiser_ical_description filter to add a bunch of content to event descriptions in the calendar feed. Is there a way to add line breaks when using this filter without having to modify ical.php?

    I noticed that eventorganiser_escape_ical_text() is removing my \n‘s. But there is a note in the code that says:

    An intentional formatted text line break MUST only be included in a “TEXT” property value by representing the line break with the character sequence of BACKSLASH (US-ASCII decimal 92), followed by a LATIN SMALL LETTER N (US-ASCII decimal 110) or a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N (US-ASCII decimal 78), that is “\n” or “\N”.

    Unfortunately, that ^ doesn’t make sense to me… Does it mean that somehow I should be able to use \n‘s? How exactly is that done?


    Dan Brubaker

    eventorganiser_escape_ical_text() doesn’t remove the \n is just escapes the backslash (otherwise it’ll appear as a new line in the feed itself – which you don’t want).

    To add new lines:

    add_filter('eventorganiser_ical_description', function(){ 
        return 'Line one\n Line two';

    Incidentally if you find you need to modify ical.php, copy it to your theme first, so that it’ll survive plug-in updates. The ical.php template is like all the other templates in the plug-in – overridable by the theme.

    Stephen Harris

    Well, that is the behavior that I expected, but something still is not working right…is there a bug? I don’t know what I’m missing here.


    add_filter('eventorganiser_ical_description', function(){ 
        return 'Line one\n Line two';

    Outputs this in Apple Calendar’s event descriptions…

    Line one\n Line two

    Not this…

    Line one
    Line two

    It only works when I comment out $description = eventorganiser_escape_ical_text( $description ); on line 129 in ical.php.

    Dan Brubaker

    Sorry, try

    add_filter('eventorganiser_ical_description', function(){ 
        return "Line one" . PHP_EOL .  "Line two";

    or using double quotes

    add_filter('eventorganiser_ical_description', function(){ 
        return "Line one \n Line two";
    Stephen Harris
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