New event 'sold out'

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Michael Docker 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #39753

    I just created a test event to see how bookings are handled. I created a ticket with 50 spaces, capped the booking at 50 places and selected a booking form. When I go to the event it just says ‘This event is sold out’. Please help.

    Michael Docker

    Hi Michael,

    I suspect that the ticket doesn’t have any dates associated with it. This can happen if you create the ticket then change the event dates.

    If you are selling tickets by date, when editing a ticket make sure the calendar on the right has the events dates selected (they should be highlighted blue). You can click ‘select all’ to ensure the ticket is available for all of the event’s dates. Then save the event.

    Stephen Harris

    That’s it. I didn’t realise I had to click ‘Select all’ under the calendar. Thank you.

    Michael Docker
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