New Booking Emails

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #36589

    Currently a “New event booking” email is sent when the “Proceed to checkout” button is pressed, before an order is actually completed.

    Is there any way so that the “New event booking” email is sent when the “Pay Offline” button is pressed or a user completes a payment?

    Tom Beavan

    Hi Tom,

    This has a arise because previously bookings and payment were done at the same time. I.e. you would select a payment gateway as part of the booking. As that’s no longer the case, its introduced a new state: ‘incomplete’ (where the booking has been created, but no gateway selected).

    One solution going forward is to hook the email onto the transition from ‘incomplete’ (which would typically be when a gateway is selected).

    However, this means there’d be no notification for any bookings for which the user does not proceed after initially creating the booking.

    Stephen Harris
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