Need to move stylesheets to head rather than footer

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Need to move stylesheets to head rather than footer

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi, I’m trying to validate my site as best I can, but I’m getting a validation error:
    ” Element link is missing required attribute property.” for the line where the stylesheets are added in the footer.
    I found a solution on Stackoverflow which involves moving styles to the head. Anyway I can do that?

    Alicia St Rose

    Hi Alicia,

    Stylesheets are loaded in the footer for performance reasons (i.e. they are only loaded when they are needed, and to know if they are needed, the plug-in needs to wait until the page’s mark-up has been generated). As such, I’d recommend just ignoring the invalidation error.

    However, if you do want to avoid stylesheets in the footer, you can disable the plug-in’s CSS (from general options) and then copy the contents of /css/eventorganiser-front-end.css (see and copy it into your theme’s style.css.

    Stephen Harris

    I’d rather have better performance! Ignore, I shall!

    Thanks for a well thought out plugin!

    Alicia St Rose

    Your welcome 🙂

    Stephen Harris
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