Need credit card 'Name' field with Stripe

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Need credit card 'Name' field with Stripe

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #22806

    First off, thanks for a really solid plugin! Now, to my question 😉

    The Stripe credit card field doesn’t include a name field.

    Imagine this scenario:
    A user (logged in or not) wants to register for an event but they want to pay with their parent’s/friend’s/company’s credit card.

    How will they process the payment without gathering the name on the card?

    David Schmeltzle

    Hi David,

    Names are entirely optional, and are not used in security checks for credit cards. Stripe doesn’t ask for this information (although you can provide it), so the plug-in doesn’t provide it.

    That said, your question does highlight a potential user experience problem. Clearly you felt that, even if a name field wasn’t required, the booking form would be linking the bookee’s name to the credit card. If that was the impression you had, it’s almost certain that other users (your customers, for example) will also have the same impression. And that might just make the more reluctant click ‘Book’ if they think the information they are providing is being misinterpreted.

    So, although not necessary, there is a case for asking for the name just because it’s what most users expect. I’ll look into adding this into a future update.

    Stephen Harris
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