Hi Stephen, now testing a multisite wordpress installation, featuring two distinct websites that have to share the same events.
Tried using the industry standard ThreeWP Broadcast to push an event from a site (1) to the other (2). This plugin supports custom post types and the custom fields (just the ones in wp_postmeta).
What happens: wp_posts and wp_postmeta data get pushedfrom (1) to the tables of (2), wp_2_eo_events is updated only when saving the just pushed event on (2), wp_eo_venues table does not exist in (2) and wp_2_eo_venuemeta is not updated at all.
I can see two possible improvements on this: the first is permitting a full broadcast through the TreeWP plugin (maybe with all the data passing also trough the wp_postmeta?), the other is sharing the eo_ database tables between the two websites (but just in my case, my events will be the same in both sites)
I´m wondering if there’s some fix you can suggest to make it work in full, and if you plan in the premium version the possibility of a switch allowing the share of events in a multisite environment.
Regards, Andrea

There is plans for a multi-site support (with an option for either each site with its own events or all sites share the events). Not sure of a roadmap yet as I’m still quite early on in looking at it (and 1.7 having been recently released).
I will look at ThreeWP Broadcast since as far as events are concerned all the necessary data is sent with them (i.e. its possible to generate the occurrences of an event from the post meta). So that should be fixable. It may even involve refactoring how events are saved to remove an unnecessary duplication.
I’ll open a ticket for ThreeWP support. The MS-ticket can be found here: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/issues/15

Stephen Harris
Hi Andrea,
Thought I’d post here to check in case my e-mails were not getting through…? You mentioned you might need multi-site support by early March?

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen, I confirm I did’t get any replies, not even in my spam folder..
Yes, we would appreciate it strongly, and willing to pay for it.

That’s odd. I’ve resent them from a different e-mail address (to the gmail e-mail address you used to subscribe to the Pro mailing list).
Let me know if you don’t get them!

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
sorry for re-openening this thread again… But I am quite in the same situation.
I have the events to be shared between 3 sites in a WPMU installation.
I can pull the event posts (text and images) via RSS or some plugin,
but the dates, tickets and venue adresses are totally missing – as well as the settings of the plugin.
Is there hope that it is possible in some way?
This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by
edith mayerhofer.

edith mayerhofer
Hi Edith,
Unfortunately Event Organiser works in isolation on each network site (this is how WordPress treats each site). While it’s possible to use the plug-in with ThreeWP I have not tested Event Organiser with that plug-in in around 1-2 years. When I last tested you needed to exclude the meta keys:
However, I did not test the plug-in with Pro (bookings etc). That said bookings would be handled independently on each site. So even if you are able to get event A on site X duplicated on sites Y and Z, bookings for event A on Y will not have any affect on sites X and Z.
It would be possible (and probably easier) to list events the sites Y and Z, but link to site X. You could do this by broadasting events from site X to Y and Z, and have Y and Z record the original (site X) url of the event, and use this instead of the event’s link on site Y and site Z. (The calendar has a filter for this, events pages have templates where you can swap it out).
I’d be happy to detail how you might swap the links out, but how to “broadcast” events to other sites is beyond the scope of the plug-in. Have you tried using ThreeWP as I think it might get you most of the way there?

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
latest news: I finally have updated the PHP version to use ThreeWP and it works quite well. I can even link to the parent page without changing your template code. The only thing: The venues are not exported and I have to open and save the post at lease once in the backend of the child theme to make it appear in frontend. Are there any metakeys for the venue, too?
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
edith mayerhofer.
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
edith mayerhofer.

edith mayerhofer