Multisite events

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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    We’re planing to take the multisite option for localisation purposes. There should be a .com for the English and .de domain for the German version. So I googled for “wp-event-organiser multisite”, clicked on the first hit and was really happy to read that eo has so sofiscated network options … then I realized to be on the wrong page. No idea why it took so long – maybe I wanted to believe: enter link description here

    The EO documentation isn’t covering multi-site I only found a brief mention in the forum that EO can be installed now on the network. This post was from the beginning of the last year. Did something change since then? Do we have some network options, network events etc.?

    Adrian Maleska

    Hi Adrian,

    Yes and no… the plug-in does integrate with ThreeWP which allows you to sync content across multiple sites. However, this was a feature that was sponsored by a third-party and isn’t pro-actively maintained. That is, I’ll happily investigate bugs as they are reported, but there is no routine testing of the integration. For partly that reason the feature is not publicly advertised.

    But once you have installed ThreeWP (free from the repo) and set it up (you need to add the following to the custom field exceptions on the ThreeWP settings page:)

    • _eventorganiser_event_schedule
    • _eventorganiser_schedule_start_start
    • _eventorganiser_schedule_start_finish
    • _eventorganiser_schedule_last_start
    • _eventorganiser_schedule_last_finish

    But as I say, if ThreeWP have changed their API it may not necessarily work.

    Stephen Harris

    Good to know that there is a way even if this sounds somehow not reliable to me. Maybe I’ll test it but I would be much happier if EO would offer network events. Do you have plans for this feature? I remember that you mentioned this somewhere.

    Adrian Maleska

    Then this is a NO?

    Adrian Maleska

    Sorry Adrian,

    This one must of slipped the radar. Event Organiser can be activated network-wide – but each network site is wholly independent. Network-wide events won’t be a supported largely because this runs totally against the grain of what multi-sites are intended to be, and trying to get it to work would involve some very hacky and hard to maintain code.

    An alternative is to have the events on the main network site and use the other network sites to subscribe to its iCal feed. But iCal doesn’t include bookings/tickets.

    Stephen Harris
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