Multiple Stripe Accounts

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jason Farran 7 years, 2 months ago.

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    I wasn’t able to find this functionality so I’m posting here to ask.

    My client has two separate bank accounts, one for the for-profit arm and one for the non-profit arm. The organization holds events throughout the year but the account in which the money goes into differs depending on which arm is sponsoring it.

    So it would be great if we could set Stripe settings within each form so we can select which Stripe information to use.

    I was going to set the site up as a multi-site so I could have “two installs” of the event organizer, but then the event calendar would not include events from both organizations.

    Any insight would be extremely helpful.

    Jason Farran

    Hi Jason,

    This is certainly possible.

    I’ve written a plugin a while ago for a client in which the stripe account used could be over-ridden on a user-by-user (the event organiser/author) basis. The user profile page had additional fields to accept a Stripe public and private keys which would override the original settings.

    You could use that plug-in, and create a user account corresponding to the non-profit and profit arm of the organisation, and use the corresponding user account to create the event.

    Stephen Harris

    That would work. Are you willing to send me that plugin?

    Jason Farran

    I’ve just sent it now.

    Stephen Harris

    Awesome. I’ll test it out today and let you know it’s working.

    Jason Farran
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