I have two sets of tickets for an event
Individual = $30
Couple = $50
I have 18 places available so I set Cap Booking at 18 places
One $50 Couple ticket is for two people so I set its available Spaces to 9. Individual ticket Spaces is set to 18.
But Cap Booking won’t know how to calculate that. Someone could book 17 Individual and 1 Couple which would total 19 places.
I could change the Couple ticket to $25 and force buyers of that option to select in multiples of 2s. Is that possible?

Stacie Davis
Hi Stacie,
That’s correct – as far as the plug-in is concerned each ticket purchased is the equivalent to one person. It is potentially possible to force users to select an even numbers of tickets (this would involve some javascript to handle the user-interface aspect, and then php to ensure that the number of tickets is ‘valid’ when the booking is inserted into the database). But that’s not great from a end-user’s perspective and might be confusing to some.
Another way would be to use the discount extension: you could create a discount of $10 whenever two or more tickets are purchased. (Unfortunately the user will have to enter a discount code, and a ticket of 4 people will still only get $10 discount). If that isn’t a suitable solution then we could discuss other ones – feel free to get in touch via this form.

Stephen Harris
Thanks so much for clarification and suggestion. The discount method could possibly work, but can we force the buyers using the discount code to buy in multiples of 2?

Stacie Davis
Hi Stacie,
You wouldn’t need to. The idea is that they would buy two ‘individual’ tickets and be elligible for the discount.

Stephen Harris