Multiple dates

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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    When an event occurs on a number of dates (not a fixed period), how do I get the dates into a template tag, listing the first date, or a series date isn’t really appropriate

    Barry Meadows

    Hi Barry,

    There isn’t a tag for listing all dates of an event, but you could use the following snippet to add a %my_event_dates% tag which lists all the dates of the event:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_email_template_tags', 'my_dates_email_tag', 10, 3 ); 
    function my_dates_email_tag( $parsed_message, $booking_id, $original_message ){
       //$parsed_message Email body with tags parsed
       //$booking_id The booking ID
       //$original_message Email body without tags parsed
       $event_id = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'event_id' );
       $occurrences = eo_get_the_occurrences_of( $event_id );
       $formatted_dates = array();
       if( $occurrences ){
           foreach( $occurrences as $occurrence) {
                $formatted_dates[] = eo_format_datetime( $occurrence['start'] , 'jS F' );
       $dates_list = implode( ', ', $formatted_dates );
       $parsed_message = str_replace( '%my_event_dates%', $dates_list, $parsed_message );
       return $parsed_message;
    Stephen Harris

    This looks like what I would like, but not just on the emails, on everywhere the dates are listed such as the template with eo_events – where do I add the hook to achieve this?

    Barry Meadows

    That above snippet can be added to a utility plug-in or your theme’s functions.php (basically it can go in a plug-in/theme, but you should avoid putting it in something which you will ‘update’ because then you’ll loose your changes).

    Regarding [eo_events], I’m not sure what you mean. Unless you specifically tell it to ‘group occurrences’ (group_events_by=series) it will display each date individually.

    Stephen Harris

    Sorry for my poorly worded questin, I know to put the snippet into my themes function.php file
    What I meant was how can I use the tag in [eo-events] and elsewhere

    I need to group events in [eo-events] otherwise a daily event takes over the list
    So i need a way in the list to show all the dates:
    – for a single occurance then one date
    – for an event on several specific days the list of days
    – for an event over a period of time: start and end dates

    I hope I’ve worded the question better now!

    Barry Meadows

    Ah, I see. It’s not as straightforward to add tags for the event list widget, but you can copy the appropriate template in to your theme and edit it instead of using the tags – this seems like a situation when this would be best. The template for the shortcode is shortcode-event-list.php (you can find it in the templates folder in Event Organiser).

    You could then using the following to display the event date(s) according to the three cases you mentioned:

    //Format date according to whether the event is all day or not 
    $format = eo_is_all_day() ? get_option( 'date_format' ) : get_option( 'date_format' ) . ' ' . get_option( 'time_format' ) ;
    if( !eo_reoccurs() && ( eo_get_the_start( 'Y-m-d' ) !== eo_get_the_end( 'Y-m-d' ) ) ){
           //Event does not recur and it is a 'long' event: display start and end time
           echo  eo_get_the_start( $format ) . ' – ' . eo_get_the_end( $format );
    }elseif( !eo_reoccurs() ){
           //Event does not recur but it not is a 'long' event: display start 
           echo  eo_get_the_start( $format );
           //Event recurs: display list
          $event_id = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'event_id' );
          $occurrences = eo_get_the_occurrences_of( $event_id );
          $formatted_dates = array();
          if( $occurrences ){
                    foreach( $occurrences as $occurrence) {
                              $formatted_dates[] = eo_format_datetime( $occurrence['start'] , 'jS F' );
          echo implode( ', ', $formatted_dates );

    (I wasn’t quite sure if “event on several specific days the list of days” meant ‘custom’ recurring pattern or “event over a period of time” meant a ‘long’ event (events where each occurrence passes over two or more days). But in case you want to differentiate between different types of recurring pattern:

     $event_schedule = eo_get_event_schedule();
    //$event_schedule['schedule'] is one of once, custom, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly
    Stephen Harris

    That’s excellent, thank for your patience
    I’ve got that working on the standard short-code without a template, but can’t get it to flow into the template, do I need to somehow edit the template?

    Barry Meadows

    Hi Barry,

    Not sure what you mean. You mentioned you wanted to display the date(s) according to whether the event was recurring/long etc. Conditional statements aren’t supported in the shortcode tags, so you need to edit the template instead.

    But the plug-in will ignore the template if you use the shortcode tags so you’d need to use [eo_events] as opposed to [eo_events]....[/eo_events].

    Stephen Harris
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