I have become aware of an issue that seems to only affect multi-day events. I’m also using the ical sync add-on as well, if it matters.
Upon first sync, event will show up correctly. On subsequent syncs, the event displays again, but starts a day after the correct start day. Third sync will display the event staring on day 3 of the multi-day grouping. Here’s one example of how this looks:
I’m only seeing a single event listing in the back end. These event listings on the back end only show up once and they appear to contain the correct dates. The bug only manifests on the output/display side.
At this point, the issue is only showing up in multi-day events that are at least 3 months in the future and beyond. Multi-day events in the current month and next month do not seem to be affected.
Event Organiser 3.7.6
Event Organiser Pro 2.0.1
Event Organiser iCal Sync 2.3.0
I’m happy to provide additional links or access to the calendar in question or do further troubleshooting. Let me know how I can assist.

Clay Showalter
Hi Clay,
Can you provide the url of the feed you are importing?

Stephen Harris
I have since deleted most of the offending events from the “local” calendar (didn’t touch the google side) and allowed the re-import happening on an hourly basis to reimport. They appear to be coming back in as expected (no issue). One that I hadn’t deleted so is still showing incorrectly on the local side is an even on March 6-7 2020 (MSC instrumental festival). I can point out the other ones that were showing incorrectly previously, if that would help.

Clay Showalter
Hi Clay,
I don’t really have an explanation for this, but I compared your site’s iCal feed with google’s. And I noticed that the MSC instrumental festival event had this additional line on your site’s iCal feed:
This will make the event repeat every day from the event’s start date until 7th March (and for same duration of the initial occurrence). So I would expect to see two events both of two days, one starting on the 6th and the other 7th.
This explains what you’re seeing in the calendar; but this has nothing to do with the number of syncs. So if you resynced again, I would not expect to see another event (it would be interesting to see what happens after you do).
What I can’t explain is why that additional line is there. There are two likely possibilities: 1) The event was edited on your site, 2) The google feed was changed after the first sync
There is a bug here in, in that because the google feed certainly no longer contains an “RRULE” line for that event, I would expect when resyncing the feed, that the event in question would also have that recurrence rule removed, but it doesn’t. I’ve identified that bug and hope to fix it shortly. The workaround, as you’ve found is to delete the existing event and refetch it.

Stephen Harris