Moving Booking Form Fields

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Madeleine Parkyn 3 years ago.

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    I’ve updated to Event Organiser Pro Version 3.3.3 and can no longer drag and drop the fields in the booking form to change the order.
    Please could you advise.
    Many thanks

    Madeleine Parkyn

    Hi Madeleine,

    Thank you for reporting for this. It’s a breaking change with jQuery UI 1.13 introduced in the recent version of WordPress.

    I plan to release an update to address this in the next few days,.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen
    Thanks for getting on to this so quickly.

    Previously, I was having a problem with the order in which the fields displayed on the form on the page, it didn’t correspond with the order that I had chosen when setting up the form. I don’t know if that might be related. It would be great to resolve that issue too.

    With best wishes

    Madeleine Parkyn

    Hi Madeleine,

    I’ve just released 3.3.5 that should fix this.

    Some users had reported issues with fields loosing their order. This should have been fixed in 3.3.0. If the issue persists please let me know.

    Kind regards,

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks so much Stephen. With the update this is all working fine, inlcuding the fields appearing in the desired order.

    I’ve been testing this on a clone version of the site, where I used the Licence key. Now when I try to enter the current licence key on the live site it won’t accept it. Do I need another one, or are you able to make that key valid for 2 sites? I’ll be deleting the clone version soon.

    Many thanks for your help. The event organiser has proved invaluable throughtout the pandemic.

    With best wishes

    Madeleine Parkyn
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