Move ticket picker

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  David McCourt 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #17704

    Hi Stephen

    I’ve like to move the ticket picker to the top of the form, above the logged in/login/name, email fields. I can see the eo-ticket-picker.php file but can’t see how or where this is included. Can this be overridden via templates or a filter?

    I’d rather not do this with Javascript as the form needs to be accessible and it seems more logical to have this first, rather than in the middle of the form (if a user needs to login or register).

    Many thanks


    David McCourt

    Hi David,

    You can use the form customiser ( Settings > Event Organiser > Booking Form) to re-order the form elements how they appear on the page.

    Stephen Harris

    Shamed face. Thank you, you’ve made it too easy!

    David McCourt
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