Hello Stephen!
We have two separate WP installations (production and staging). To transfer content from one to the other, we use WP Migrate DB. Sometimes it happens that there are new bookings in production, while we’re still working on some content in the staging-environment. When we copy the updated staging-content to production, all new bookings are lost, of course.
It would help us a lot to be able to export and re-import the bookings. Is there a way to do that?
Thanks for your help and best regards,

Martin Schuff
Hi Martin,
Unfortunately this is not particularly straightforward. The bookings contain references to tickets, via an ID. If those ticket IDs have changed in your import, then the references would need to be update.
It’s not clear whether you’re using WP Migrate DB to restore a snapshot of the database, or whether it simply adds to it. If the ticket IDs do not change, then it would be possible. If they do, then you need to update events, tickets and bookings in one go.
However, I was under the impression that WP Migrate DB supported custom tables? (Bookings are in fact a custom post type, but the tickets in the bookings are custom table).
In any case, there is no existing solution of importing bookings.
(As an aside, my personal recommendation when it comes to populating staging sites is to create a mysql dump and import that into the staging site, and then perform a search and replace to replace the live URL with the staging URL. Finally you may then want to copy down any uploads/attachments. This can all be scripted with wp-cli. This ensures that staging data is identical to live)

Stephen Harris