Mouse-over popup on events list

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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  • #9327

    Hello, my customer would like a simple mouse-over popup like on the calendar view for the list-view. Is this possible, or could this be implemented? Thanks you for your response!
    All the best, Jeroen

    Jeroen Verkarre
    Jeroen Verkarre

    Hi Jeroen,

    Yes this would be possible, but the details of how are probably a bit to much for me to provide here so I’ll provide outlline:

    1. Create a javascript file which initialises the tooltip (The front-end calendar uses q-tip2). You don’t have to load the q-tip2 library or anything, just the code to initialises it. The examples on the qtip2 (e.g.: usually involve HTML mark-up – this is step 4)

    2. Register it, specifying the q-tip library (included in EO) as a dependency (the following assumes the above javascript file is in your theme folder and named ‘jeroen-tooltip.js’.

    add_action( 'init', 'jeroen_register_scripts', 15 );
    function jeroen_register_scripts(){
            get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/jeroen-tooltip.js',
           array( 'jquery', 'eo_qtip2' ),

    3./ Load script and styles

    add_action( 'init', 'jeroen_enqueue_scripts', 15 );
    function jeroen_enqueue_scripts(){
        wp_enqueue_script( 'jeroen-tooltip' );
        wp_enqueue_style( 'eo_front' );

    4./ Edit the template to include the mark-up of the tooltip (as mentioned in step 1).

    Steps 2&3, can go in functions.php. But all of the above would work in a separate plug-in with a bit of editing. 4 involves copying the (shortcode event list) template into your theme and editing it there.

    Stephen Harris
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