More Venue for one Event?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Christoph Steinlechner 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #23629

    How can i set up additional Venue for one Event?


    EVENT 1
    Venue a – Date x
    Venue b – Date y

    so one Event would me much more flexible

    Christoph Steinlechner

    Unfortunately this isn’t possible. An event can only have one venue, so you would need to create them as separate events.

    This might also simplify the ticket list requirement – since each date would have its own page, so there were would be no date selection on the booking form.

    To simplify date generation and content creation (for example, you may want the same content for all these dates) you can create a recurring event and then ‘break’ each one to edit it. When ‘broken’ it is removed from the parent event and created as an event in its own right, but it inherits all the default values. This would save you re-typing the content.

    To ‘break’ an occurrence, go to the calendar and click the date and then click ‘break occurrence’. Please note, that the newly created event will be entirely independent of the event from which it originated. In particular, it will not appear in the dates list of the original event (or vice versa).

    As an example, suppose you have:

    Event A

    • 1st July
    • 2nd July
    • 3rd July

    and you ‘break’ the 2nd July you end up with

    Event A

    • 1st July
    • 3rd July

    Event A (2) – newly created event

    • 2nd July

    If you wanted to include ‘broken’ occurrences in an event list, e.g.:

    Event A

    • 1st July
    • 2nd July (is the date of Event A (2))
    • 3rd July

    Event A (2) – newly created event

    • 1st July (date of original event A)
    • 2nd July
    • 3rd July (date of original event A)

    then I can provide a plugin for this.

    I hope those examples make sense!

    Stephen Harris

    puh hard to understand but i will try it today …

    u say u can provide a plugin? what u mean about that?

    Christoph Steinlechner

    hmm with broken events its the same as i duplicate one event and edit or?

    Christoph Steinlechner

    Yes – it effectively duplicates a particular date of the event, and removes it from the original. It’s a bit easier than just creating a single-occurrence event and duplicating that because you don’t have to edit the date of each event.

    Stephen Harris

    ah i understand … but may its a feature for the future for the pro or an additionel plugin to sell … to set for each date a different venue … like u buy tickets for a konzert/tourbooking.

    Christoph Steinlechner
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