Modifying the Reply-To Email Header

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Modifying the Reply-To Email Header

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Nicolas Gauthier-Pin 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    I’m not sure if this can be controlled in your plug-in, but thought I’d ask. The email system is working well; however, the event confirmation email is including a Reply-To email address that we don’t want. The From email address is good.



    JB Woodruff

    There’ll be an update in 1.6 which fixes a bug where the notification e-mails (an array) is used for the from and reply-to, which can cause some problems with the reply-to. It’ll be changed to the admin e-mail which can filtered via eventorganiser_admin_email (see for an example).

    The from / reply-to is set by the plug-in, but others can over-ride it (in particular SMTP or other email related plug-ins may do this). In your case is it just including an e-mail you don’t want? Where does that e-mail address come from? Is the admin email in WordPress’ general options or if you’re using an SMTP plug-in is it the email used by SMTP?

    Stephen Harris

    All good now with 1.6. Nice stuff.

    JB Woodruff

    Sorry for hijacking the thread after a long time, but I’m getting the same issue, on v1.11.6 . I am using an SMTP plugin, and while the “from” address correct, as set in the plugin, the “reply-to” address is still the WP admin email.

    This only happens for the confirmation emails (for the bookees). The new booking notifications (for me) don’t have a reply-to address.

    Is there any way I can filter that address? I don’t want my bookees to ever see the WP admin address.

    Nicolas Gauthier-Pin
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