I have encountered one instance of this. Can you please help me understand the conditions where this may occur?
There was a transaction for an event that was only recorded in PayPal. No record whatsoever was made in the ticket database.
I do not know if it is related, but I do notice that there are a number of gaps in the order of the Booking IDs. When I export the tickets and order the records on the Booking ID, I see that there are gaps in the list when I expect that the Booking ID will be complete in numerical order.
Please let me know if my expectations are off and please also help me understand conditions under which transactions may miss getting recorded.

Greg MacKinnon
Hi Greg,
The gaps in the IDs are to be expected. Any transaction related to a booking should have a booking ID attached to it. You would be able to see this if you view the transaction, there should be a ‘Custom’ field value. This will contain a value such as:
etc. The booking ID will help you identify the booking in the bookings screen (you can search for bookings by ID). If that fails, you can look up the ID in the database (Currently in the wp_posts

Stephen Harris
Thanks. I may have distracted you with my question about gaps.
The true issue is that we have a registration that obviously answered all of our custom questions and then went to PayPal to complete the transaction without any record showing up in the ticket list. Also, none of the e-mails associated with the booking were created or sent.
So, in this case, there is no booking ID to look for because it does not exist, but the PayPal transaction is complete along with the custom answers that were passed from our registration process.
How can that happen?

Greg MacKinnon
Hi Greg,
Just to confirm, is there value for booking ID in the ‘custom’ property of the PayPal transaction. I ask because I’m trying to determine if the booking was ever created, or if it were created but deleted or otherwise not viewable.
However, from what you’ve said it sounds like that the booking was never created.
You can check for this by adding the following lines immediately after includes/booking-actions.php
(line 477)
//line 477: $booking_id = eo_insert_booking( $booking );
if ( is_wp_error( $booking_id ) ) {
error_log( $booking_id->get_error_message() );
and then check your error logs. (If you’re not sure where these are you can tell WordPress to put it in wp-content/debug.log
: )

Stephen Harris
All right. This is embarrassing. We have found out what happened and it has nothing to do with your plugin. There was a slip up before the event registration was actually opened. The registration essentially occurred directly with PayPal, which is why there is no record within our database.
Ugh! Sorry! All the clues were there, but we didn’t put it together.
I appreciate your time.
The positive way to look at it is that I will know not to be upset if I see gaps in the list of booking IDs.

Greg MacKinnon
Hi Greg,
No worries, glad the problem is sorted now 🙂

Stephen Harris