Media Library ERROR when plugin is activated

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Media Library ERROR when plugin is activated

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Patrick Merck 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #22184

    ehm… When trying to choose/select an image from the wordpress media library (e.g. for the background of a slider) the complete library looks “blurred” and nothing is selectable anymore. I can only upload images and select them once. After they are uploaded, there is again no way to reselect them in the library. When I deactivate (!) Event Organiser Pro OR Event Organiser, the media library “works” fine. What could cause that strange behaviour??

    Patrick Merck

    This happens only, when the PRO version is activated!

    Patrick Merck

    Hi Bastian,

    I believe you are using Divi Theme? This a bug with the theme, but they are a couple of work arounds mentioned here:

    I’d encourage you to contact the developer. This was initially reported to them over a year ago, and several times since.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you, works fine!

    Patrick Merck
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